Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Honey Crisp

Why is it that the older you get the faster time flys?  and why is it that everyone else feels that way too!!

I am a true summer lover, but I have to admit I love fall too!  It is so much fun to get out the fall decorations, put out the pumpkins, put some lights in the front window, it's a good thing as Martha would say!

The feeling of the impending holidays always gets me a litttle excited inside.. then I think about how frickin cold it gets and the 10 ft of snow to shovel off the sidewalks and then I get a bit grumpy!  Again, I'm sure many of you agree!

I'm hoping to take a short trip this afernoon and visit the little pumpkin patch by Lawler. Its an interesting little place, with "stuff" piled about, but the kids have fun exploring and I LOVE the honeycrisp apples from their orchard! I took a bunch of pictures last fall there.. I will post one!

Happy Fall Y'all!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Crazy Glue!

Another year older and I feel 10 years older!!  I'm still not feeling well, and so I'm finally going to the Dr on Thursday, which I'm sure will be a huge waste of time and the beginning of a huge run-around like it was 5 years ago! Obviously this is also affecting my attittude! Ha!

Keira did her sleep study last week, it was a long drawn out process of a consult Tues morning at 10:30, then report back for sleep study at 7:00 pm. and then go over results the next morning at 10:30... if they hadn't woke her up at 6:00 a.m. that 10:30 am appt would have come a bit sooner!  As expected, she was not happy with them glueing stuff to her head, and so she pretty much cried the entire time they prepped her.
Apparently I was not happy with the glue they used as I almost immediately broke out in hives and spent most of the night itching... I was glad that camera wasn't on me!

The results indicated she would benefit from having her tonsils removed, which we had expected anyway, but at least they did not reccommend a C-pap!!

We did manage to get some shopping done for Keira on Tuesday, a couple more outfits for school and the colder weather! Not a bad day, but we were exhausted on Wednesday!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Happy New Year!

I've ventured into selling a few more of Keira's Gymboree clothes on ebay and I'm liking it!
It took me quite a bit of time listing my first items because I didn't want to forget anything important!
I listed twelve items/outfits and have sold 3 things so far!  The auctions aren't finished until Sunday, so that is when I will find out if I made any real cash or not!  Ebay is amazing!

Tomorrow Keira and I head up to Rochester for an overnighter- sleep study!  It is a lot of dinking around with an appointment in the morning, then report at 7 for sleep study, then a morning appointment after that as well!  I'm just praying she does not need a c-pap machine.. the hearing aides are enough equipment for us!!

Almost halfway through September and I'm thinking of Christmas shopping, taxes, and another new year!  I just want to get ahead on things so they don't become the stressor they could become!  Time to pull out the fall decorations.. next week!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Breezy is an Understatement!

Happy Labor Day!
I ran my first official 5K on Saturday morning as part of Spillville's 150 year celebration! Overall, it was actually very fun, it was a nice morning- somewhat chilly, but sunny so that helped! I think my time was just over 36 minutes which is nothing to brag about, but hey, that leaves lots of room for improvement!
My foot was fine, I didn't feel too tired, it was a nice jog, but a little different trying to get our footing on gravel roads!

Spillville's Celebration was a good time, the kids got about 5 lbs of candy at the parade and the bloody marys and pivo were a treat for the adults! On Sunday, we ventured out to a new Corn "Maize" nearby, Nick thought it was supercool, in fact we might head back on Saturday, they are hosting a Barbeque and Fireworks!

Adios on this WINDY Day!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Who Defines Success?

We are still trying to get our morning routine down now that school has started!  Keira has always been the early bird and we've often relied on her to wake us up in the morning! However, yesterday she decided to sleep in, and since I was up for about 3 hours in the middle of the night, I was sleeping as well!

So Nick missed the bus! I had to drive him to Spillville and then Keira was also late for school.
So last night we tried to get to bed early and made sure to set the alarm!  Keira was up first, but Nick still needed the alarm to help him out of bed..

We were almost on time today, Nick didn't miss the bus, but Keira and I had to come back home to finish breakfast before I brought her to Decorah.. so I guess we will call that a success! Ha!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bloody Marys!

I think I started this blog off with a goal of running more.. and I did pretty well in May and June, then 4th of July hit and all my good eating and drinking habits flew out the window! I ran a few times here and there at the end of July and beginning of August because I knew I was planning to run in Spillville's 5K on Sept 4th.

I picked up a registration form at the bank early in August and filled it out right away, then emailed my friends the link so they could register too!  I finally mailed in my registration on a Monday, then the next day, Tuesday night is when I broke my foot!! WTH?  more specifically, my middle toe, I found out 2 days later, had a spiral fracture. The Dr. said not to run on it for at least 4 weeks!

It is still swollen, but finally feeling A LOT better!   On Sunday we went for a nice family walk and bike ride,so I tried a little jog and it was tolerable! So last night I went for a jog/walk, and again, it wasnt' too bad on my foot!, It felt great to run and get and get my "sweat on"- So I decided to go ahead and run/walk on Saturday even though I did not get much of a chance to "train".

Just in case my foot does hurt a bit, I decided to whip up a batch of bloody mary mix for after the run! Yum!