Today was another victory in and of itself, HOORAY, the kiddies are in bed and I get a minute to write about the day! I didn't get much work done, did manage to get my hair done, hit the trail.. it was very blustery!, and I showered! I think just the fact that I got a shower in without Keira NOT tearing up the kitchen could be chalked up as a separate victory!
So this is what has been on my mind- no laughing please:). .. Backstory goes like this.. We are at my Mom's for dinner Sunday night because it is her birthday-- HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!-- and we got to chatting about this little gingerbread house for sale in Spillvill that's been for sale for a while and I was informed by Connie, a neighbor to this house, that the house had sold! So I informed Connie about the "friendly ghost" that supposedly inhabits this home. She was a bit surprised because she hadn't heard that before, so we all kinda chatted about it for a bit and I was secretly glad we never looked at that house when Brenden and Miranda were looking for a place.. yikes!
So sometime Tuesday afternoon I receive a fax... its an appraisal request for for THAT house, I'm like No Way. But I'm okay, the realtor will have to take me through so I won't have to be in the house alone.. so I call the Realtor and he informs me that there is a lock box and I can swing through whenever I get the chance.. Say What? &$#(
So anyway I talked Brenden into going with me during his lunch hour tomorrow.. HA! I'm such a chicken, I shouldn't be scared of a little ol' lady, right? I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow!
That's so crazy about the cute gingerbread house!! I have always loved that house and if the timing was right I even considered looking at it to buy it. I never knew it was haunted!! Glad someone else bought it, hopefully they don't piss the dead old lady off by changing the exterior paint from her favorite color purple. Good luck tomorrow!