Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dead Bolt!

I woke up about 3:30 last night, to Nick saying "Mom".. "Can you come in here?"  My first thought was he puked or peed his bed, but when I walked in all of his blankets were on the floor and his pillow was covering him up! HA! His jammies were a pair of shorts, no shirt, so I assumed he was freezing!

So I scooped the comforter off the floor and covered him up, but then he had to go to the bathroom. Since our upstairs bathroom is still under construction without a toilet, I helped him get downstairs. As I walked down the stairs I smelled cold, fresh air. It had been raining all night and I thought maybe I had left a window open!

When I came back upstairs, again I felt cold air, and the heater was running full power!.. so I walked into the living room to check the windows and the front door was WIDE open!!!

We do not have a storm door in yet, so I assumed the windy storm had blown it open!  but I was kinda freaked out!  The door handle was locked... but we do not have a deadbolt installed.. which we will HAVE to get since the handle still opens freely from the inside even when in the locked position... which I found to be a problem yesterday when Keira was home sick (again).

I was in the basement doing laundry (6 loads yesterday!), when I hear my little girl walking around crabbing which is nothing new!  I yelled up, "I'm downstairs!"  stupidly thinking she might come to find me. Five minutes later I went up to find my front door Wide Open!! Keira's sweatshirt lying on the front porch!! An instant of panic, then knowing Keira, I knew I could find her right where I did... in the sandbox! Schwew!

It's under 50 degrees, raining, no shoes on, no jacket with a fistful of sand in her mouth!!  I guess that sand will just wash down the toilet water she played in earlier this morning!  Another day with an early bath!

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