Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Martha Help!!

It's been a whirlwind around here, and if you walked into my house, you might think that it had literally been hit by a tornado!  I have light fixtures, magazines, boxes of junk, and even a toilet!! stacked up in my bedroom!  A bathroom vanity setting in my entry way, and a swath of dirty dishes and a load of bills and junkmail scattered on the countertops!

My last visit to Wal-Mart I broke down and bought more "organizational" materials- a bin, two magazine boxes, and a file folder box to organize all Nick's new summer activities- baseball and swimteam- and Keira's health and school records.  So instead of having piles of loose papers I don't know what to do with, I'll have it in boxes and bins sitting on my countertop!?  Is that better?

Organizing seems to be a never-ending battle... Clothes: new clothes, old clothes, clothes I want to sell, clothes that need to go here and there, clothes that don't fit anymore... the mail:  bills, junkmail, newspapers, a plethera of magazines!... maybe I'll donate to this cause, do I keep this? or throw it out?

 my Silpada stuff, tax stuff, Send Out Cards stuff... AND the #1 clutter of papers: Nick's school papers!: coloring sheets, math sheets, footprints, notes from his girlfriends with their phone numbers on it!...and Nick thinks we have to keep EVERYTHING!  so when he goes to school, I toss it in the garbage so he can't see!

Of course I keep a few things, those are stacked up in a pile ontop of the organizing bin!

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